Elder Law and Special Needs Planning

A large part of any Elder Law practice includes planning for prolonged care (whether in the home or in a Nursing Home) for senior citizens. It is, without a doubt, very wise to do some research into the cost of prolonged care. Meeting with an Attorney can provide valuable information about possible Medicaid eligibility and if not financially eligible, the Attorney can review a plan to possibly help the client(s) become financially eligible to apply successfully for Medicaid coverage. Planning in advance is essential because the cost of long-term health care is astronomical in New York. In-home care alone can cost over $10,000 a month.
Senior citizens should also make sure that their basic Estate Planning documents are in effect and that the decisions reflect their wishes. Basic documents include a Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney, and Health Care Directives. Something as simple as a Power of Attorney can prevent the necessity for a time consuming and expensive Guardianship proceeding. Information is extremely valuable and knowing what issues and options exist ahead of time will save inevitable time and money later on.
Schanker and Schanker PLLC also provides counseling for matters concerning persons with disabilities. This can include Trust planning, Guardianship considerations as well as other points of general guidance.
Our Offices
Long Island Office
27 West Neck Road
P.O. Box 1905
Huntington, New York 11743
Tel: (631) 424-5400
Fax: (631) 424-0048
Manhattan Office
One Grand Central Place
60 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10165
Tel: (212) 564-3307
New Jersey Office
125 Half Mile Road,
Suite 200
Red Bank, NJ 07701
Tel: (631) 424-5400